CPDD Membership Committeeから下記のような新規入会のお誘いが届きました。
July 18, 2017
Dear Colleagues,
The Membership Committee of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) appreciates your membership. We are actively recruiting new members for the College. We ask that you please forward this message to your colleagues, students, trainees and fellows who might be interested in joining CPDD.
Membership benefits include:
- Discount on registration fees to attend the annual scientific meeting
- Complimentary electronic subscription to the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence, which has one of the highest impact factors among substance abuse journals (not available to Student Members) · Access to the Members Only section of the CPDD website (www.cpdd.org), containing directory information, easy e-mail to other members, and committee reports
- Membership Listserv, for rapid communication of items of interest to the entire membership and posting of job opportunities
- Mentorship activities for trainees and junior faculty
- Opportunities to serve on CPDD committees
- Sponsorship of abstracts for presentation at annual meeting
- Eligibility to submit abstract for Late-Breaking News session
One important activity of the College that is supported by your dues is our ability to impact public policy. This mainly involves educating our representatives and other governmental officials on the need to support addiction research. Such activity ensures the science base for new policies as well as programs dealing with human and animal research issues. The larger the membership of the College, the more likely your research needs can be met in the future.
CPDD also can be found on Facebook. Please see us there, and request to be added to the group for more informal networking and communication with others interested in our field.
The cost of joining is almost entirely offset by the difference in registration fees between members and non-members for the Annual Meeting. Visit us at cppd.org.
Membership information can be found here: http://www.cpdd.org/Pages/AboutUs/MemberBenefits.html You can contact Greg Homish, the chair of the membership committee, at ghomish@buffalo.edu or any of the other members, at their email addresses listed below. They would be happy to help you contact someone from your home institution who could sponsor your application.
Cordially yours,
The CPDD Membership Committee
Thomas Green
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology